Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

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Today I'm bringing you the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award tag, I was nominated by the lovely Courtney from A Little Lippy Goes a Long Way. Thank you so much for the nomination!

The Rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, make sure you leave a link back to their site so they can get the recognition they deserve 
2. Make sure you put the award logo on your blog. 
3. Answer the ten questions you have been given. 
4. Create ten new questions for your nominees to answer
5. Nominate ten fellow bloggers 

1. Would you rather use only one eyeshadow colour or one lip colour for the rest of your life?
I definitely would stick with one eye shadow colour, I'm such a bore when it comes to eyeshadow where as I wear a different lip colour every day, it can drastically change any look. Product wise I'd stick to a nice champagne lid colour, that will look great with any lip colour and you can always jazz your eyes up with some liner and falsies.
2. What was the first makeup item you ever owned?
I can't actually remember, is that bad? It was most likely going to be some pink lip gloss or a silver sparkly eyeshadow of some sort, the tragic make-up collection of an 11 year old. 
3. If you could only buy from one makeup brand, which brand would you choose?
Why are these questions so hard?!? I'm probably going to stick to a very stereotypical brand and go with MAC. Simply because they do lovely blushers, primers, lipsticks, concealers, foundations, lashes, brushes and eyeshadows (did I mention I love MAC?) You don't need much more really.
4. Which makeup brand do you think has the best packaging?
I'm probably going to say YSL for this question simply because their lipsticks have the most beautiful packaging ever.
5. What is the one product you’d grab if your house was on fire?
Concealer, concealer, concealer to hid any flaws. My current favourite concealer is the Maybelline Age Rewind if any of you were wondering. 
6. What is your signature scent?
To be honest I don't really have one, I switch up my perfume every day! Anything sweet and floral though. I'm currently loving the Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream.
7. Who’s your favourite beauty vlogger?
Shannon Harris aka Shaaanxo. Her tutorials are flawless!
8. Which product is at the top of your wishlist?
I'm currently trying to create and fill a MAC eyeshadow palette, so eyeshadows are the top of my list at the moment. Colours on my wishlist include Wood Winked, Coppering, Cranberry, Satin Taupe and Honey Lust.
9. What type of product do you buy the most of?
Concealer and liquid liner definitely, I get through this stuff like crazy!
10. What’s the beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?
Don't squeeze your spots! Every time a friend mentions a spot I'm always telling them to not touch it or squeeze it, yet I just cant resist the urge to squeeze mine and touch them. I know I really shouldn't but I just can't help it!
I nominate: 

My question for you are:

1. Are you a lip gloss or lipstick kind of gal? 

2. If you could only use four make up products for the rest of your life, what products would you pick and why? 

3.  Dewy skin or matte skin?

4.What is one product you have way too many of but insist on buying more? 

5. Do you prefer wearing trousers or skirts? 

6. What is your holy grail skincare item?

7. On an average day how long does it take for you to get ready in the morning? 

8. Favourite fragrance? 

9.  Top five fashion staples?

10. What is your number one beauty tip that you swear by? 

Have fun girls, I cant wait to read your answers!

Katie xx

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