50 Facts About Me Tag

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Having only just recently started my blog a few months ago I feel as though no one really knows to much about me yet so today I've decided to the '50 facts about me tag' to give you an insight into me.It was so much fun doing this tag, it was actually really hard to come up with 50 facts about me and I hope you all will have a go at it too. 

1. My middle name is Louise.

2. I am 5ft 4" and have the shortest legs going.

3. I am an only child. 

4. I am a very sarcastic person. 

5. I don't know what I want to do with my life after I have finished college, I'm still undecided. 

6. I'm the kind of person that goes with the flow and doesn't plan things too far ahead as I hate being let down if things don't work out. 

7.  I study dance at college, I love it and couldn't imagine doing anything else. 

8. I own a car which is a Mini Cooper in Red and it's my baby.

9. I have a bucket list of crazy,wild things I want to do before I die.

10. I work in Boots on the weekends, the staff discount is dangerous for my bank account. New beauty products= a broke Katie. 

11. I'm rarely in a bad mood, if I am it lasts about 5 minutes before I cave in and become happy again. 

12.  I'm a Taurus and my birthday is on May 17th which was 8 days ago!

13. Writing 50 facts about myself is actually really hard. 

14. I don't have a favourite colour. 

15.  I once stubbed my toe so hard I broke it in two places, it was a very painful experience and the only time I have ever broken a bone. 

16. Desert, chocolate and sweet things are my favourite kinds of food. 

17. I'm excited to move just to design my own house/apartment. I've already started buying bits and bobs. 

18. I don't really like cards, I think they are too expensive and would rather someone spent the money on something else, £4.50 for a birthday card my arse!

19. I constantly tell myself that I'm going to eat really healthy but then I ruin it by eating a chocolate bar or something similar. 

20.  60% of my camera roll on my phone is fitspiration pictures.

21.  I hate spiders but will happily pick one up in order to get it out of the room I'm in. 

22. I love Taylor Swift.

23. It's rare to go a day without watching videos on YouTube, one day I would love to start my own channel. 

24.  I once read all three Hunger Games books in a day and a half, I couldn't put them down they were so addictive. 

25. I'd rather watch the movie than read the book as I'm not the best reader. 

26. I cry at literally everything that is slightly emotional. 

27. I religiously watch Hollyoaks. 

28. I got four different Maths GCSE's but I'm rubbish at maths. 

29. I have the widest range in music taste, I love anything from Country to Dance to Pop. 

30. New York is one of my favourite places. 

31. I cannot sing to save my life. 

32. I have no will power when it comes to shopping, I just end up buying everything then regretting it when I look at my bank balance. 

33. I am a perfectionist but I'm also quite lazy and tend to procrastinate things so things never get completed as best as I want them too, I cant win. 

34. I have green eyes. 

35. My natural hair colour varies all the time it's usually a dark blonde/light brown shade.

36.  I like food and lots of it. 

37. No matter how much sleep I get I'm always somewhat tired. 

38.  I love having lazy days ( a lot of them).

39. I can't stand the taste of salt yet like salt and vinegar crisps.

40. I have a really bad phobia of needles and have a panic attack whenever they are mentioned *deep breaths Katie*.

41. I have health anxiety and get myself into a state whenever anything to do with disease, illness or some sort of health problem is mentioned around me. 

42. I hate physiological horror films, especially paranormal ones. They freak me out big time as most of them are based on true stories. 

43. It takes me about two hours and three buses to get to college everyday but is totally worth it. 

44. I am a very patient person. 

45. I always forget important things that I am supposed to remember but always remembered tiny little unimportant details. 

46. I talk in my sleep and sleeping in the same bed as me is dangerous because I'm more than likely to punch or kick you. 

47. I actually believed as a kid if you put the gooey aliens in the fridge they would have babies, it never happened :(

48.I can't cook to save my life and can just about manage to cook an egg or pasta. 

49. I've seen every episode of friends abut 10 times (probably way more actually)

50. It took me a good couple of years to build up the courage and the confidence to start a blog and I'm glad I did. 

Katie xx

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