Easter Treats

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Happy Easter everyone, today I'm gonna share with you some Easter treat ideas for all of those with a sweet tooth. All these recipes are super easy and didn't take long at all to make. I hope you guys take some inspiration and get baking, Easter is the best time to eat lots of food especially chocolate and lots and lots of sugary stuff. 

These cookies are the cookies from Tanya Burr's book Love, Tanya however I did develop them slightly. Overall you use round 400g of chocolate and I replaced around half of that with smarties to make them more bright and colourful. Can we also just appreciate how massive these cookies are? Each one is almost as big as my head and they sure are scrumy. I'm quite fussy when it comes to cookies as I like them golden on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside and these hit the spot. 

These Rice Krispie nests are perfect as a snack if you have the family round this Easter, whilst these are super quick and easy to make it can get rather messy, be warned!

You will need- 
- 6 cups of Rice Krispies
- Around 285g of marshmallows  
- 3 tablespoons of Butter
-1/2 cup of desiccated coconut
1/4 teaspoon of water
-Green food colouring (around 4 drops)
-Chocolate eggs / mini eggs

1. Mix the water and food colouring together in a small bowl then add the coconut and mix together to dye the coconut a green colour. 
2. Melt the butter and the marshmallows in a pan over the cooker, constantly stirring to avoid sticking.
3. Once melted remove from the heat and add in the Rice Krispies, stirring to completely cover them.
4. Spoon the mixture into a greased cupcake tin and leave to cool.
5. Decorate with your coconut and chocolate eggs and enjoy.

I cheated with these nest cupcakes a little bit because I used ready made vanilla cupcake mix however these are probably my favourite out of the treats I made, they taste great. To make these I just used Betty Crocker's vanilla cupcake mix, once baked I melted two bars of chocolate and mixed into two broken shredded wheat. I then just spread equal amount of the mixture over the cupcake to create a nest shape; you then just want to fill the middle with chocolate eggs. The chocolate eggs I used were Tesco's own micro eggs (they had run out of mini eggs, what?!) 

I hope you guys have great Easter and eat lots of chocolate.
If you try out any of the treat ideas tag me on instagram @katielouise13 or tweet me @MissKatieAlden. I want to see your pictures!
Katie xx

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