Deciding to go to University?

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Deciding to go to University is a big decision, at least for me it is. It's a big decision going into further education and moving away from home, a decision I can't quite seem to make. A decision I'm almost scared of making in case I make the wrong one. Whilst some may not even question about whether to go to Uni or not, I'm certainly in the boat where I can't decide and I know others are the same as me. Hopefully this post might help in us making that decision.  I'd always thought I would go to University after College when I was younger just because it was the 'normal' thing to do, but fast forward to the time I was actually I applying to University it made me question whether I actually wanted to go and whether I actually needed to go?
 I'm currently studying Dance at College and don't get me wrong I love Dance, it is one of the main parts of who I am as a person, without it I'd be lost. But do I want to carry on studying it, that I'm not sure on. The stress of studying Dance is taking away from the pure joy I get from Dancing. I don't want to go to University just for the sake of going.  Everyone always tells me I should just go to Uni for the experience because it's 'fun' and I just worried I'll hate every minute of it. 
It's okay to be scared of going to University, it's okay to not want to go. It's a big deal moving out from home and across the country by yourself, it's quite a scary prospect. I find people tend to give you weird looks when you say you don't want to go to University, that you don't make the cut. They are wrong, you don't need to go University to do well in life, as long as you are doing something you love it doesn't matter what you do and the journey you take. 

Pros of going to University: 
- You'll learn more than just what are you are studying. Living away from home will require you to be independent and you'll learn how to fend for yourself.
-You'll expand your knowledge in your chosen subject. 
-You'll become a pro at cooking baked beans ;)
- Hopefully you will make some great friends and some great memories. 

Cons of going to University:
- It's bloody damn expensive (university fees and living costs will leave you a nice poor student). 
- It's a long time, 3/4 years even more for some courses is a long period of time for something you aren't sure you want to do. 
-  You may not enjoy it if your heart isn't in it. 
- It doesn't guarantee you a good job when you come out the other side.
- You'll have to cook for yourself and fend for yourself (cooking definitely isn't my forte).   

I can't seem to make a decision, writing this is has really helped me start to think about what I want to do. I hope this has helped anyone to think about both sides of going to University and hopefully you might be one step closer to making that decision. 

Katie xx 
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